Educational Tutoring
Help ensure your child has the tools and skills they need to succeed in the classroom.
At Marissa Bennet Consulting, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of learners.
With educational tutoring, we utilize special education teachers on staff to work with your child on their academic needs and skills including:
- Kindergarten readiness
- Pre-reading skills
- Reading fluency
- Reading comprehension
- Math concepts
- Writing tools
- Executive functioning (organization and planning)
Student classroom skills are important to school success. With our knowledge in behavior and education we can work with your student in the following areas:
- Staying on task in class
- Raising hand and waiting to be called on
- Transitioning between activities within and without of the classroom
- Choral responding
- Completing independent work
- Following individual and group instructions
Want to arrange Educational Tutoring?
Contact us today for a free consultation call to discuss if this is right for you and your family.